achtung! was founded in 2001 by Mirko Kaminski as a PR agency. Today it is one of Germanys most creative and award-winning agency groups. The mission of achtung! is to make businesses and brands remarkable and win people for them. To that end, achtung! combines social media, PR, digital advertising and audio communication with breakthrough ideas.
The six agencies achtung!, achtung! Engage, achtung! Experience, achtung! Mary, achtung! Broadcast and achtung! Alive employ 170 people in Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Berlin and Cologne. Clients include more than 50 big-name companies including BMW Motorrad, Telefónica/O2, Coca-Cola, eBay, E.ON, MINI and mobile.de.
On an international level, achtung! puts together customised agency networks for its clients, which it runs from Germany as is the case for the Elbphilharmonie concert hall, the Lufthansa Group and Kaldewei.
As a founder platform, achtung! enables entrepreneurs to found their own achtung! agency. achtung! furthermore organises the DIGITAL KINDERGARTEN to promote engagement with new technologies and innovations for communication and marketing.
Company Address
Straßenbahnring 3
Company Information
Founding Date:
Number of Employees: 170
Freelancer: 0
Quality Certified Agency: No