Orchan Consulting I Asia


“Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.” Author John C Maxwell didn’t mince words when he spat that famous saying out. The thing is, deep down we all know it’s true. But what most of us aren’t aware of is how best to cope and capitalise on those changes.

We at Orchan Consulting | Asia (Orchan for short) are communication visionaries – a one-stop shop for positive change. We roll up our sleeves and tackle all the fancy stuff… strategic media relations right through to reputation management, and it’s all done with puffed out chests full of pride and passion. After all, your reputation is our reputation too.

Every agency tells stories --> we live them! The power of the story is that brands are narrative-driven – and narratives create close bonds between brand and consumer.

Consumers are now more sophisticated and have higher demands and expectations. No more arms-length transactions; they seek engagement on an emotional level. They connect with brands that respect and value their custom.

They seek authenticity.
They seek validation.
They seek the total experience – our role is to live the brand story; not just tell it.

Orchan creates that validation.

Orchan’s diverse team of professionals offer a confluence of skills to ensure our ideas and activation stand out, and break away, from the norm. We are a dedicated and skilled team with a great track record.

Our team consists of individuals who bring to the table knowledge and experience in varying fields, including creative writing, graphic design, literature, photography, marketing, management, international relations, and social psychology.

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